Please try these wide variety of interactive financial problem solvers. Simply enter your criteria and you'll get your questions answered with dynamic graphs and personalized reports.
Businesses generate a sources and uses of cash statement to evaluate their income and expenses and to check profitability. Similarly, a cash flow statement can help you evaluate your personal income and expenses and see if you are running 'in the red or the black' each month.
With college costs increasing at twice the rate of inflation, it is important to start saving early. Interest working for you now in a regular savings program is much better than having interest work against you in the future in the form of education loans.
Although credit scores are calculated differently by the various credit bureaus, you can get an estimate of what your score may be by using this calculator. The three main things that help you have a good credit score are first, having a long history of making all debt payments on time, second using the proper mix of credit, and third not maxing out on available credit.
When you're buying a home, mortgage lenders don't look just at your income, assets, and the down payment you have. They look at all of your liabilities and obligations as well, including auto loans, credit card debt, child support, potential property taxes and insurance, and your overall credit rating.
SNA Financials
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